
I need support to stay dairy and gluten free in a household with dairy and wheat lovers! My boyfriend eats a pint of ice cream every night. My daughter is a chocolate lover. Help! I went totally free of these things 10 years ago and felt fantastic. I fell "off the wagon" by eating a piece of chocolate cake at a party and it's been bad ever since. Advice?


Sheri, my nephew has sensory issues (slightly autistic) and does a type of occupational therapy to help introduce him to new foods. He was on a beige diet (anything that was bread based) before he started and is now doing wonderfully. It can still be a chore some times, but it has made a huge difference. My family cut out synthetic dyes and use more natural products in tandem with diet changes. Slower process but not as stressful to him.


I’m here because my 6 yo autistic son has EOE and we have been told to eliminate wheat and dairy from his diet. He’s already extremely selective in what he eats and I’m try to wrap my mind around how to do this! Help!!!

Joy McClendon

Enjoyed article and I love your selection of grains and flours


Good article though I disagree with your comment that dairy is more obvious. It can be hidden in ingredients just as much as gluten. Plus, most restaurants are very conscious of gluten free, but many servers have no idea if items have dairy or not, and often do not even know how to recognize it. Unfortunate, as there are four times as many people in the U.S. who suffer severe physical distress from lactose intolerance than those who suffer severe physical distress from celiac/gluten intolerance. Gluten just gets more press because many people choose to be gluten free though suffer no severe impact if they do eat it.

Helena G Rubinstein

I have been gluten and dairy free as well as sugar free for over twenty years. I will soon turn 65. Were you to see me, I have not one gray hair, I have the face and body of a young woman.

Amy Bell

Thank you for the information. Due to UC I need to go wheat & dairy free. This is especially tough for me as I am a huge fan of all things bread/bakery. I picked up some of your Almond flour yesterday and am looking forward to "baking" a new way...mixing in some coconut flour as well.


Dairy and celiac disease. Need options including fast food for a treat and Dunkin’ Donuts kind of options.

Teresa Trent-BrumbaughCeleste

There is plenty of information on the web regarding recipe's but-this is called sacrifice for the better and you can do this, if you try not to give into excuses and temptations. They will always be there to help you fail.

Kim Shuster

I been struggling with stomach issues for 25 years I’m considering going gluten-free dairy free diet do you have a suggestion. How too start.?

Sarena ShasteenKim Shuster

Kim, we highly recommend you consult a doctor before going gluten and dairy free. They will be able to help you in more detail. Good luck and we appreciate you trusting us with your health.

Susan Dixon

I need gluten and lactose free diet HELP!

Sarena ShasteenSusan Dixon

Hi Susan! We are here to help! We have a recipe specialist on site that will help you with all of your questions concerning gluten and lactose free cooking. You can reach her at 800-349-2173.

Tonia Vargo

I just started gluten and dairy free living. I need ideas and help

SarahTonia Vargo

I LOVE Red Mill products! I am able to eat dairy, but gluten sensitive. I not only lost weight going mostly gluten free, but I feel better after I eat, I hardly ever get sick, and my arthritis is almost GONE! Best thing I learned is where to find hidden gluten! In spices (anti-caking agents), preservatives (deadly), and sadly protective/shiny coatings on produce, as well as any thickening agents (I think "emulsifiers" in ice cream and salad dressings. "Natural flavorings" are a big NO-NO and caramel color or food coloring, but "annato" is supposed to be a natural coloring from carrots (I believe). Best of luck and enjoy RED MILL!!

Sarena ShasteenTonia Vargo

Hi Tonia! We highly recommend you search our recipe section for ideas. You are also welcome to call our customer service team to get detailed help with any question you may have about recipes or products. You can reach them at 800-349-2173.