During the hustle and bustle of a busy school day, snacks are a must when it comes to keeping hunger at bay. If the right foods are chosen, daily snacking can help tame your child's appetite and keep them from overeating when it comes time for their next meal. Choosing healthy snacks is important to ensure that youre providing your kids with the nutrients they need!
Here's a list of 10 of our favorite healthy snacks that can be made with all natural and organic ingredients:
Apples and Peanut Butter

Apples and peanut butter are a perfect snack to pack for school. Even though apples are super low in calories, they are jam packed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs on a daily basis. Apples are also very juicy, meaning they have a high water content and will keep you hydrated throughout the day. When combined with peanut butter, this snack is incredibly rich in fiber, which will help your body maintain a healthy colon and cholesterol levels. However, the type of peanut butter you use is important. When purchasing peanut butter try and find an organic option that doesn't use sugar additives or any other unnatural ingredients. If your childs school does not allow nuts, as many do not these days, choose sunflower butter for an equally delicious and nutritious snack.
Coconut Water Popsicles
The summer heat can be harsh on your body and skin, and dehydration is a huge threat to ones health. To keep your children properly hydrated, try whipping up some coconut water popsicles infused with fruit. Coconut water not only contains a bunch of water, but is also rich in potassium and magnesium, which will help keep their bodies functioning properly. The low calories and many antioxidants found in coconut water make it a perfect summer treat.
Carrots and Hummus
Organic hummus is a great snack for your kids! It is also incredibly easy to make on your own, which lets you customize the flavor for them even more. Recent studies have found that chickpeas in hummus can lower your cholesterol, are high in antioxidants, high in fiber, and contain amino acids which can boost your mood. Another great thing about snacking on carrots and hummus is that it can suit any diet/lifestyle as most types of hummus are completely vegan, gluten-free, nut free and dairy free! (Although always be sure to check the labels just in case).
Homemade Oatmeal Muffins
We know that oatmeal is a great breakfast, but did you also know it's the perfect snack to hold your kids over until dinner time? Because oatmeal is a carb and rich in protein, it not only provides the calories they need, but also gives them the energy they need to make it through a long day. Snacking on some
oatmeal muffins before dinner is perfect for kids who are active throughout the day. Oatmeal also suppresses one's appetite making them feel fuller for longer, which can save your kids from overeating due to hunger at dinner time.
Fruit Skewers
Fruit is perfect for satisfying that after-lunch sweet tooth! Depending on your fruit of choose you can opt for a tart and crunchy flavor, smooth and sweet, or even creamy and subtle skewer! Enjoying fruit as a snack is also great for your childrens digestive systems as fruit digests best when eaten on its own. Fruit skewers are a perfect way to combine all of your childs favorite fruits into one snack, and reap the amazing benefits as well! Because most juicy fruit has a high water content, they'll also be keeping hydrated and filled until their next meal.
Yogurt Pops
Yogurt pops are a great mid-day snack on a hot day. Not only do they keep your kids refreshed, but most yogurt also contains probiotics. Probiotics are a good kind of bacteria that kills off harmful bacteria and will keep them from getting sick.
Blueberries, Granola, and Honey
Blueberries are so high in antioxidants that your child will be thanking you all day long. The antioxidants found in them will not only keep their body feeling great, but their skin and appearance will benefit from this superfood as well. By adding a mix of homemade granola and honey, youll create a sweet snack that no kid can resist.
Frozen Grapes
Frozen grapes have been a long-time favorite for kids everywhere. Eating grapes can help regulate blood sugar and keep their immune system strong. They have also been proven to be great for your heart and skin!
Lightly salted, organic popcorn shows time and time again to be a loved snack amongst children. Though popcorn may not taste like much, its full of protein, healthy grains, and antioxidants. To make popcorn more fun, try creating new flavors, like adding peanut butter or chili powder.
To make some of your own homemade popcorn, start by using some of Bob's Red Mill
Gluten Free White Popcorn, and add in all the flavors you like!
Have any other healthy go-to snacks your kids love? Share your favorites in the comments below!