Chicago-Style Popcorn Recipe

Chicago-Style Popcorn Recipe

When it comes to delicious snacks from your childhood that you'll remember forever, there are a few that stand out amongst the rest. Christmas cookies, peppermint bark, pigs in a blanket and last but not least, Chicago-style popcorn. Whether you grew up in Chicago or not, chances are you've tried Chicago-style popcorn before. A blend of sweet caramel and savory cheddar satisfies all your cravings in just one bite. If you're a long-time fan of Chicago-style popcorn and want to learn more about how you can make it at home, keep scrolling. In this article, we'll dive into how this timeless snack got its name and provide step-by-step instructions on how you can whip up a batch of your own.

Where and When Was Chicago-Style Popcorn Invented?

You can thank Garret Popcorn for your favorite sweet and salty treat. Popularly known as "Garrets," this popcorn company has been serving gourmet popcorn to the people of downtown Chicago for over 70 years. Now a popular popcorn chain, Garret's first originated in Milwaukee, where the Garret family held a competition to determine who could make the best-tasting caramel corn. The winner was a popcorn labeled CaramelCrisp, which featured a great-tasting caramel flavor that the family couldn't get enough of. Later on, the Garrett family moved to Chicago, and their CaramelCrisp and CheeseCorn flavors became the two most popular. It was the fans who invented the Chicago-style popcorn that we know and love today. When customers began buying bags or CaramelCrisp and CheeseCorn and mixing them, the Garrett family knew that they were on to something. They began offering Chicago-style popcorn in 1977, and it's been a hit ever since.

How to Make Chicago-Style Popcorn

Chicago-Style Popcorn While a bag of Chicago-style popcorn from Garrets is a classic, these same flavors can be recreated at home. So if you're not planning on making a trip to Chicago soon but want to experience this delicious sweet and salty combo for yourself, we have just the recipe for you. This delicious Chicago-Style Popcorn recipe is a snack that doubles as a sweet and salty dessert. Make a batch to keep around the house or bring to your next gathering. Sweet, salty and downright addicting, it's sure to be a hit no matter where you are.

Chicago-Style Popcorn Recipe

Ready to get started? Review the ingredients list below to ensure you have everything needed to make this recipe a success.


For the caramel popcorn:
  • 12 cups popped Bob's Red Mill Yellow Popcorn
  • 8 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
  • 3/4 cup Light Brown Sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Light Corn Syrup
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 tsp Fine Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
For the cheddar popcorn:


Make the caramel popcorn:
  1. Place popcorn in a large bowl. Line a baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.
  2. Add butter, sugar and corn syrup to a saucepan.
  3. Boil mixture over medium-high heat, stirring constantly until the sugar is melted.
  4. Continue to boil for 3 minutes while stirring and scraping the bottom of the pan.
  5. Remove the pan from heat and stir in the vanilla, salt and baking soda.
  6. Once the sugar mixture begins to bubble, continue stirring until it forms a thick, glossy sauce.
  7. Pour the caramel sauce over the popcorn while stirring. Stir until evenly coated.
  8. Pour the popcorn onto prepared baking sheet and allow it to cool completely.
Make the cheddar popcorn:
  1. Place popcorn in a large bowl.
  2. Stir cheese powder and salt in a small bowl.
  3. Drizzle butter over the popcorn and toss to ensure an even coat.
  4. Add cheese mixture to the popcorn and stir.
  5. Combine caramel and cheddar popcorn.
  6. Enjoy immediately and store leftovers in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Tips for Making Perfectly Popped Popcorn

popcorn No matter the season, popcorn is a delicious treat that makes for a great snacking option. Tasty and effortless to prepare, its customizable nature makes it easy to use in countless recipes ranging from sweet to savory. And while popcorn is a common snack, it's also one that many people have trouble making at home. Popping kernels to perfection is somewhat of an art and following a few tips and tricks can ensure that this art results in a perfectly popped masterpiece. From the type of popcorn to the pan, knowing the many factors that affect your kernels is an excellent way to guarantee that you enjoy the finished result. Continue reading as we cover some of the most common popcorn-making do's and don'ts.

Do: Know Your Corn

There are two types of popcorn to choose from when making popcorn from scratch: yellow popcorn and white popcorn. Though both taste and look similar, each has its own unique benefits and differences. Here are a couple of the varieties. White Popcorn White popcorn, also called rice popcorn, produces small kernels that look similar to rice before they're popped. Once popped, the kernels create a soft, crunchy grain that's nearly forty times its original size. Yellow Popcorn When compared to white popcorn, the kernels of yellow popcorn are slightly larger and produce a grain that's about forty-five times their original size. The grain has a fluffy, durable texture, which allows it to handle multiple toppings without turning into a soggy mess. We recommend using yellow popcorn when making Chicago-style popcorn, as it will maintain all of the unique flavors better than white popcorn will.

Don't: Use Just Any Oil

Making popcorn requires just a few ingredients, kernels, salt, butter and of course, oil. The type of oil you choose will affect the taste of your popcorn and how it holds up when flavorings are added. For example, certain oils like peanut and coconut oil will produce a strong taste, whereas oils like olive and avocado oil feature a mild taste that won't change the flavor at all. To determine which oil best suits the popcorn recipe you're making, check out this guide: What Is The Best Oil For Popcorn.

Do: Choose the Right Pan

A stainless pan full of popcorn Choosing the right pan is an integral part of how to cook popcorn on the stove. The pan you choose will affect the overall quality of your popcorn and how it holds up when combined with other ingredients. When making popcorn from scratch, a heavy-bottomed pan is the best choice. Not only will this type of pan allow you to shake the kernels around as they're cooking, but it will also provide a much more even distribution of heat, ensuring that the majority of the kernels pop around the same time.

Do: Test the Heat Before Cooking

Before adding all of the popcorn kernels to the pan, test the heat with three kernels first. To do so, add a bit of oil to a pan and turn up the heat. Then add in three kernels and place the lid on the pan. Shake the kernels around a bit. Once the first kernel pops, you'll know that the pan has reached the proper temperature, and you can add in the rest of the kernels to cook.

Don't: Use Old Kernels

Do you have a bag of popcorn kernels that's been sitting at the back of your cupboard for ages? While you might not want to see food go to waste, using old kernels can lead to a failed popcorn experience. Stale and old kernels tend to lose their moisture over time. Having adequate moisture allows popcorn kernels to pop and create a tender and fluffy result. Instead of using old kernels, opt for good-quality popcorn and ensure that you're storing it correctly in an airtight container.

Don't: Leave the Kernels in the Pan for Too Long

Though it's tempting to want to pop every last kernel, it's challenging to do so. By trying to pop all of the kernels, you may burn the ones that have already popped. A few unpopped kernels at the bottom of the bowl are normal and may be re-popped in the future. However, if you notice that the majority of the kernels remain unpopped, the popcorn may be stale and lack moisture. Now that you know how to create Chicago-style popcorn at home, it's time to whip up a batch yourself. Follow the popcorn-making tips and tricks above to ensure that your next batch is a success. From cheesy popcorn to caramel popcorn, this is one snack sure to satisfy all of your cravings. From the Bob's Red Mill family to yours, happy popping! Do you enjoy making homemade popcorn? We'd love to hear about your favorite recipes and flavorings. Share your popcorn-making secrets with us in the comments below. We can't wait to hear from you.
Bob's Red Mill
March 30 2022
