Do you have a little chef at home that youd love to teach more cooking skills to? Cooking with preschoolers is an excellent way to help children learn high-level skills outside of the classroom. Cooking can help young children learn basic motor and language skills and more advanced skills like math and science. Aside from basic math concepts, cooking with your children is also an excellent way to boost their self-confidence and teach them about healthy foods.Though fun, baking with kids requires a lot of patience. With the right expectations, the time you spend in the kitchen with your preschool chef can turn into lifelong memories. And who knows, they may be the next best chef!Curious about how you can introduce cooking to your preschooler? Here are a few tried and true ways that weve discovered.
Make It Fun
When inviting your preschooler into the kitchen, keep things fun and exciting. The time you spend in the kitchen should be highly engaging, from encouraging an adventurous palate to using hands-on recipes. Remember, preschoolers dont have the attention span of an adult, which means that its going to take a bit of creativity to keep them entertained.Here are a few helpful tips weve found to keep young children interested in cooking activities.
Introduce New Foods
By now, your preschool likely has a few favorite foods that they enjoy eating. When creating recipes based on their favorite meals, try working new ingredients into the mix. When your children are in play mode, they may choose to try foods they wouldnt normally pick off a plate. Teaching children to cook by encouraging them to test out new ingredients and making a game of cooking is an excellent way to keep them engaged while also expanding their palate.
Make the Play Sensory
Get your childs senses involved! Young children learn best by exploring with their senses, and the kitchen is the perfect place to invite them to do so. Mixing ingredients, kneading dough, washing fruits and veggies, and taste testing are all sensory experiences that your child will love exploring.For a hands-on cooking experience try making these Five-Ingredient Zucchini Fritters with your little ones!
Provide Them With Responsibility
Young children love learning new things. Yet, what they love even more is getting praised for doing things correctly. When baking with kids, providing them with simple, age-appropriate tasks will give them a sense of accomplishment when they complete them. From prepping ingredients to naming the final dish, there are endless ways to get your children involved.
Choose Age-Appropriate Tasks
Not sure which tasks your preschooler can handle? Though it may not seem so, there are many tasks that your young child can manage in the kitchen. The key to a successful and fun cooking experience is to give you child jobs that meet their skill level. While each child is different, and you know your child best, there are a few simple tasks that most young children will be able to do.Some ideal jobs for a preschooler in the kitchen include:
Kneading dough
Stirring batters
Gathering and adding ingredients
washing fruits and veggies
Decorating cookies
Following along with the recipe
For an age-appropriate cooking experience get your kid cooking in the kitchen with kid-friendly, healthy recipes like this Hawaiian Pizza with Honey Whole Wheat Crust Recipe.At the ages of three to five, children are learning at super speed. Theyre soaking up all the information that comes their way. And theyre trying to perform simple tasks like getting dressed to potty training. Providing your preschooler with cooking activities that they can accomplish with little outside involvement is a great way to boost their confidence without putting them In danger. That being said, no matter how simple the tasks may be, its important always to supervise. Supervising not only keeps your children out of danger, but it also provides you with the opportunity to teach how to do things correctly. Passing on tips and tricks youve learned on your cooking ventures can help turn your preschoolers into a master chef in no time!Use these simple tips to turn mealtime into family time. From teaching your children how to prepare ingredients, to getting them involved in the actual cooking process, there are several ways to keep your children engaged in the kitchen. Making kitchen time fun is an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your children, create long-lasting memories and teach them essential skills that they can use daily!Have a kid-friendly cooking tip that youd like to share with us? Let us know the fun cooking tasks your children help you with, in the comments below.