We are so excited about our Protein Oats and Organic Protein Oats, and we can't wait to tell you all about them. These new protein-packed oats are a conventionally bred, Non-GMO Project Verified variety that is 50-60% higher in protein* than our regular oats, without added protein powders. It's an easy swap—one simple ingredient—to add a boost of protein to your morning oatmeal, as well as baked goods and even smoothies!
Traditional oats undergo several steps to create the delicious whole grain oatmeal you love. First, they are harvested with a combine, which separates the individual grains from the chaff (the stalks and other plant materials humans don't eat). From there, the oats are stored in silos until the hulls—the outer coating of the oats—are removed. Then the oats are heated and steamed before they are flattened between steel rollers to create that traditional rolled oat texture. However Protein Oats are a unique hull-less oat cultivar that does some of the work for the farmers! As they grow, these oats shed their hulls during harvest. Because of this, these oats are less processed, with fewer steps between farm and table.
All of our oats are made from whole grain oats and are absolutely delicious! But Protein Oats have a little something extra: 9-10 grams of plant-based protein per serving, compared to our Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, which have 6 grams. It's an easy way to power up your morning, whether you're enjoying them as oatmeal, in breakfast bars, or your next smoothie. Another big difference from our regular Old Fashioned Rolled Oats: both our Protein Oats and Organic Protein Oats are gluten free, and grown under a purity protocol that is the highest standard in gluten free. While oats are naturally gluten free, they need to be specially grown, processed and packaged to avoid the chance of cross contamination.
Of course, there are a lot of similarities between Protein Oats and regular oats. They're both made with one simple ingredient: whole grain oats. All of our oats are either a good or excellent source of fiber: be sure to check the packaging for full nutritional info. And both taste absolutely delicious! The main thing we love about our regular and Protein Oats is their versatility. Add your favorite toppings for the ultimate bowl of whole grain oatmeal, top them with braised greens, a fried egg and hot sauce as a savory grain bowl, whirl them into a smoothie, or bake them into cookies. The possibilities are endless!
Protein Oats are a simple swap for regular oats in virtually any recipe, with a couple of exceptions: one, we recommend around five extra minutes on the stovetop for Protein Oats—they cook up in about 15 minutes rather than 10. Two, we do not recommend microwaving Protein Oats! Protein Oats contain a little extra starch that releases to form a shield over the oats, causing them to quickly boil over in the microwave. Otherwise, the sky's the limit! Use these Protein Oats in cookies, pancakes, bars, smoothies and more. We especially enjoy them in overnight oats—check out our yummy recipe for Apple Pie Overnight Protein Oats for an eco-friendly breakfast! So what are you waiting for? Make sure to learn all about our Protein Oats and Organic Protein Oats and power up your mornings with extra plant-based protein! Its a great way to add protein to your breakfast routine, or anytime you enjoy our delicious oats.
*Protein per 48 grams, regular rolled oats 6 grams vs. Protein Oats, 9-10 grams.