We are all about the muesli at the Mill. Its a customer favorite. Its an employee favorite. Its the nations best-rated cereal (according to a leading consumer publication). You may be reading this and feeling sheepish that you have questions. Maybe youve never tried it. Maybe you thought all cold breakfast cereals come in boxes. Feel no shame! You dont know until you know and we are here to let you know!
What is Muesli? Muesli is your Everything Cereal. Whole grains, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds all in a single bowl delivering protein and fiber to fuel your day! Similar to granola, but with a few key differences. It's minimally processed.Its cold, its hot, or its straight out of the bag. Its fruity, creamy, or dry. Its a baking ingredient. Its a snack. Its what you feel like today.
Where did Muesli come from? Muesli is as Swiss as the Alps! More commonly found in Europe, were proud to produce our version of muesli here in Oregon with the Cascades instead of the Alps as our backdrop.
Who invented Muesli? Id love to tell you Bob Moore of Bobs Red Mill invented muesli, but in fact the cereal is the brainchild of Dr. Maximillian Bircher-Benner, a Swiss physician in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Dr. Bircher-Benner was a pioneer in thinking of food as medicine, which is something we believe strongly at Bobs Red Mill. He ran a sanatorium (a care facility for chronically ill) at which he prescribed muesli to his patients for healing, a novel idea at the time.
Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner
Photo courtesy of alchetron.com
What was the original Muesli recipe? Dr. Bircher-Benner was a believer in the raw food diet. Thats rightyouve heard about it and its not just a fad! Thus, the original muesli was a cereal of raw rolled oats, nuts, and grated whole apples (core and all!) stirred in a mixture of cream and lemon juice.
How do you eat Muesli? Thats one of the best things about mueslieat it how you like! You can prepare it hot as you would oatmeal; cold with milk, cream, juice, or yogurt; or soaked overnight for softer grains and plumper fruits to create the perfect overnight oats recipe.
Is Muesli supposed to be chewy? Yes! Our muesli grains are lightly steamed before rolling, but are not further processed, so expect them to be chewy! Some people love the mouth feel of muesli straight from the package, but others prefer a softer grain that is more akin to oatmeal. To each his own muesli preparationmake it the way you like it. Youre not doing this breakfast thing for anyone but yourself.
Why does Bobs Red Mill make Muesli? Bob Moore is a man that makes things happen! When he and his wife Charlee were visiting Scotland one year, they were served a bowl of muesli at a bed and breakfast. Bob loved it and quickly realized, Hey, Ive got the stuff to make this! Putting a unique spin on the traditional recipe, Bobs Red Mill Old Country Style Muesli was born. Bob is a firm believer in the same principles as Dr. Bircher-Benner and says Food is the Best Medicine™. Adding muesli to the lineup was a natural fit!
Now that you have a little background and your tummys starting to growl, lets really get the drool factory going as we dive into Bobs Red Mill Mueslis. The photo below will show you
two great reveals. I cant even prioritize which to talk about first because theyre both
huge. So heres the photo. Ill give you a minute to soak it in (get it? Oh, muesli jokes . . . they dont stop there).

Not only have we added three new flavors to our muesli lineup, but we are also unveiling brand new packaging! Gone are the days of toppled bags of muesli spilling precious contents on the counter and floor. Put away the dustpan and broom! No more searching for bag clips and rubber bands! Welcome to transportable, easily stored packaging. Standing ovations abound for stand-up pouches.
You are likely already acquainted with our
Old Country Style Muesli and
Gluten Free Muesli. The mueslis are multiplying and we are proud to introduce three new mueslis. (Collectively, new-slis in my book, though the name hasnt caught on around here. I'm not giving up.)
Fruit & Seed Muesli
Gluten Free Tropical Muesli

Paleo Style Muesli
Each new muesli has impressive features your taste buds will crave, your body requires, and your diet approves. Chock full of whole grains, dried fruits, seeds, and nuts, you simply cant be bored by these beauties.
Whats so great about Bobs Red Mill Mueslis?
New stand-up, re-sealable pouches
Five exciting flavors
Easy, wholesome breakfast
Simple, clean ingredients
Good source of fiber
5g of sugar or less per serving
Gluten free options
Whole grain option
Paleo option
Although these packages dont display our Sourced Non-GMO Pledge yet, all of our products are sourced non-GMO. Check out the deets
You wont see the muesli poucheson your store shelf for a bit since they are brand-spankin-new, but since we now have free shipping on orders over $50 (some exclusions apply), you can stock up right here on the
Granola and Muesli page of BobsRedMill.com!