Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

In the world of superfoods and trendy new health foods, healthy seeds have become a major player over the last few years. There are hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and plenty more! The most popular are chia seeds and flaxseeds, which are both concentrated sources of nutrients that help increase human health. But how do you know which one is the best as a new addition to your everyday diet? We will help you, of course. Below, we have collected all of the research on the differences between wholeflaxseedsand chia seeds and compiled it side by side, so you can compare and contrast and make the best decision for yourself when it comes to healthy seeds! So, what are chia seeds and flaxseeds really? We will break it down for you with a little bit of background on each to help you make your decision!

Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

Chia seeds and flaxseeds are both seeds that are high in fiber and protein. Chia seeds are more bland, tasteless and round, while flaxseeds are more oval shaped and have a stronger, nutty flavor. There are some key differences other than taste and shape such as amount of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and even cost or ease of access. We take a closer look into the key differences so that you can find out which seed will be a perfect nutritional supplement to leave you feeling your best!

What Are Chia Seeds?

chia seeds Chia seeds are small, round seeds that originated as far back as Aztec times in Mexico and South America, although much of the commercial chia seed crop is now grown in Australia as well. These seeds come in black and white colors, although there is little nutritional difference between each color. This seed is actually related to the mint family, and according to Aztec legend, chia literally meant strength, as these seeds fueled the Aztec warriors through long days of battle. Chia seeds have surged in popularity since the early 2000s, after spending the 1980s and '90s mostly known via the tchotchke Chia Pet, which sprouts the seeds on a terra cotta animal or celebrity. These are also sometimes known as Salba seeds, so if you see that label, you are looking at chia seeds!

What Are Flaxseeds?

flaxseeds Flaxseeds are shaped more like pumpkin seeds, rather than round, but are also fairly small. They also come in two colors (brown and golden) and have been found in the human diet as early as 3000 BC in Babylon. The story of flaxseeds does not involve Aztec warriors, but it does claim that King Charlemagne passed 8th-century laws requiring all of his subjects to consume flaxseed for the health benefits. Today, you can find flaxseed, also known as linseed, in many consumer products, and it is also commonly used to feed livestock such as chickens and cows so that their meat is higher in omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds come from the flower of the plant and can be grown almost anywhere in North America, despite reportedly originating in Egypt. Both of these seed varieties are small and both pack a surprisingly powerful nutritional punch for their size. Now let us explore the different pros and cons of each, to help you decide what is going to fit best with your daily diet.

Difference in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are the number one plant-based food for omega-3 fatty acids, with one ounce of flaxseed containing over 6,000 mg of ALA, a common omega-3. Omega-3s are important in the prevention of inflammation, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, just to name a few, and are very important to our health. The same amount of chia seeds, in comparison, has only 4,900 mg of ALA. However, we say only with a grain of salt, as 4,900 mg is still a huge source of omega-3s, and compares to around 6 ounces of salmon. Both seeds contain mostly ALA, and neither is a significant source of DHA, which you need as well (and can get from fatty fish like salmon). So while flaxseeds win slightly in this category, you really cannot go wrong with either seed when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids.

Amount of Fiber: Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

As with omega-3s, both chia seeds and flaxseeds are rich in fiber as well. Flaxseeds contain about 8 g of fiber in one ounce, as compared to chia seeds 11 g for the same amount. A diet high in fiber has been shown to prevent many critical diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Not to mention, fiber is an excellent nutrient for stomach and digestive health, assisting with the flow of food from the stomach to the intestines and keeping everything in that region smooth and painless. Chia seeds specifically form a gel during digestion, which blocks the fiber from releasing sugars and makes chia seeds a great carbohydrate alternative for people with diabetes. Chia seeds are a clear winner here, but you will not go wrong with flaxseeds either.

Lignans in Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are also a great source of lignans, an antioxidant also known as phytochemicals. These antioxidants help with the appearance of skin and a reduction in blood pressure. Although chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants, only flaxseeds contain high levels of lignans, so that's another point for flax! This is especially true if you are menopausal or approaching menopause, as lignans specifically have shown to reduce the harsh symptoms of menopause.

Antioxidants: Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

Chia seeds have a more varied palette of antioxidants that may help prevent aging and diseases like cancer. Though weaker in lignans specifically, chia seeds win in other antioxidant properties. In fact, chia seeds are higher in antioxidants than other sources, such as acai and blueberries. Some studies have suggested that the darker chia seeds are about twice as rich in antioxidants as the white chia seeds, but experts still recommend a mix of the two colors for the most balanced diet.

Calcium in Chia Seeds

This one will definitely be another point for chia seed. Calcium is extremely vital to a well-balanced diet, as it increases bone health and strength, especially as you get older. Chia seeds are a significant source of calcium, while flax seeds are not. As a bonus, chia seeds are rich in minerals like manganese, phosphorus, and zinc, which also improve bone health over time. For healthy bones, we will have to give another point to the chia seed team!

Amount of Protein: Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds

Both chia seeds and flaxseeds are significant sources of protein. Protein is critical, especially for weight loss, as it helps you feel fuller after a meal and not crave snacks between meals. In fact, one study showed protein-rich diets cut down on midnight snack cravings by over 50%. Protein also helps you build muscle and is a boost of energy to keep you going through your workout and the rest of your day! Chia and flax seeds both help with this, although flaxseeds are slightly higher at 8 g of protein per ounce, compared to chias 6 g of protein per ounce. We will give the point to flaxseed, but only barely.

Chia Seeds: Vitamin and Mineral Content

Chia seeds are full of vitamins and minerals! Zinc, copper, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, and potassium are not even all of the vital minerals that you will find in chia seeds. Flaxseeds have a similar profile, with high amounts of B6 vitamins, iron, copper, and manganese as well. Chia seeds fare slightly better, but this will depend somewhat on the vitamins and minerals that you are consuming in the rest of your diet. If you have an iron deficiency, go with the flaxseeds. If you need more calcium, chia seeds are for you!

Buying Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds: Ease of Access

There are a few considerations when regarding ease of access to flaxseeds or chia seeds. Both are easily found in local health stores or online stores, for instance here on our website. Chia seeds are sold whole, in chia bran, ground, or in oil. Flaxseeds are almost always sold whole, but can also be sold pre-ground as flaxseed meal. The main difference here is that flaxseeds must be consumed ground, whereas chia seeds can be consumed in any form. This is not to say that whole flaxseeds are dangerous to your health, simply that they will not digest in your stomach if they are not first ground, cracked, or broken open at the very least. Therefore, the nutrients will not be absorbed by your system. This does not apply to chia seeds, which are slightly more nutritious ground or soaked, but still maintain almost all of their nutritional value even in whole form. Flaxseeds go rancid over time if exposed to heat, light, or air. Therefore, it is suggested to keep them in a dark container in your refrigerator and eat them fairly quicklywithin six months for the best results. If you buy your flax seeds pre-ground, then they will go rancid more quickly. Chia seeds, on the other hand, do not go rancid due to their antioxidant makeup, so they have a much longer shelf life and can last for up to a year in a cabinet, if necessary. Chia seeds can also be sprouted to create a different type of ingredient, a delicious complement to salads or sandwiches.

How to Use & Eat Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds

As far as eating, both foods are relatively similar once you get past the ground vs. whole debate. The typical serving of each is the sameabout 25 grams or 2 tablespoons, two times a day. Ground chia seeds or ground flaxseeds are commonly sprinkled over oatmeal or pudding, blended into shakes and smoothies, or mixed into other dishes. Both can be used as an egg substitute when mixed with water, although more experts recommend this for chia seeds than for flaxseeds, due to its gel-like consistency when mixed with water. Both ground seeds can be used to substitute for part of the flour in various recipes, but this is much more commonly done with flaxseeds than chia seeds. Many products you use today actually already include flaxseeds, such as waffles and pancake mixes! We will give a very slight point to flaxseed in this category, as they are much more common in everyday foods at this point!

Cost of Chia Seeds Compared to Flaxseeds

Cost is about one of the only things that have a clear winner here. Chia seeds are still growing in popularity and are significantly more expensive than flaxseeds at this time.

Flavor of Flaxseeds vs. Chia Seeds

For flavor, the points will depend on what you are looking for from these foods. Flaxseeds have a much stronger flavor and are slightly nutty. If you enjoy this flavor or are looking for an ingredient to add flavor to your meals, then flaxseeds would be an excellent choice. However, if you are simply looking for a health boost without changing the flavor of your meal, then chia seeds would be the one to choose. Chia seeds are bland and almost tasteless, especially in a powdered format, so you can add them to a plethora of recipes and dishes without even noticing a difference! In conclusion, we believe that both flaxseeds and chia seeds are delicious, healthy additions to your diet. To add up the points, we ended at four to four, with a couple categories depending highly on preference (and we promise it was not rigged for a tie!). If you are looking for a boost in omega-3s, trying to increase your protein intake, or are coming up on menopause soon, then flaxseeds are a definite choice for you. If you prefer something with a more well-rounded variety of nutrients, then chia seeds are probably the right seed to add to your pantry. You can easily try out both and let us know below what you think. It is no doubt that both of these seeds pack a huge number of powerful nutrients into a deceivingly small package. Tell us in the comments below what you think of chia seeds and flaxseeds!

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Bob's Red Mill
February 19 2017



I want to start incorporating more flax and chia into my diet, and I'm interesting in sprouting some of them. Are these treated in any sort of way that would stop them from sprouting?

Thanks, big fan :)


Is soaking whole flaxseed an alternative to grinding? Water aline doesn't seem to work but it does go quite gel like if I pour on boiling water and leave overnight. I'd hate to think I'm not getting all the benefits of the seed this way...

Charles Elliott

From Chahlee's Retirement Program
Chia Pudding or Topping
Chiaseeds 2 tbsp
Dried blueberries 1 tbsp
Dried cranberries 1 tbsp
Milk (soy, etc.) 125ml
Juice (whole) 125ml
Cinnamon, other spices
Refrigerate overnight, stir


I just use both and alternate which one i add to my oatmeal or smoothie.

Louise Geretti

I purchased organic flaxseed meal and keep a small jar at all times on my kitchen cabinet and freeze the rest. The exp. date was December of it still okay and what about the one I keep on the counter?


I make a chocolate chia flax seed pudding on a daily basis

I use one cup slightly ground flax seed, one half cup chia seeds and mud in bowl, then I add approx 1 1/2 to 2 cups dark chocolate almond milk and put on the lid and shake it up,
It starts to thicken within minutes, but I prefer 12 to 24 hours
Then I scoop into small dessert dish’s or shot glasses and top off with any combo of the following, orange zest, pecans, unseeetened coconut, coco bibs, juju berries, or anything else that is healthy and goes good with chocolate

I eat them as between meal snacks and during ought time munchies

They also go over well as vegan covered dishes...
They are like a scrumptious healthy chocolate dessert that is healthy, vegan, and I try to always go nongmo and organic..

I’ve also crystallized the orange rinds in cane sugar and added orange zest to the batter and that’s delicious.. so many options, so many nutrients, no actual cooking..
Just stir from the bitten up and break up big lumps every two or three hours


When you say you add the chia and flax seeds to "mud," what exactly do you mean? What is mud?

Madeleine Sophie B. Tan

Ive been taking both flax & chia for a long time now. Have i been wasting Money & shouldve just been taking one?


Do flaxseeds and flax meal go rancid when heated??

Whitney BarnesLiz

Hi Liz! No, flaxseeds are safe to heat/bake. They are naturally high in oil which makes them prone to rancidity when stored improperly. We recommend storing them in an air-tight container in a cool, dry place. The refrigerator or freezer is best.


I love your flax meal!! But before I tell all my friends that King Charlemagne ordered his subjects to eat it, do any legitimate historical sources actually say that? Reddit says the claim is mostly bogus:

Teresita c. Nga-ewna

I want to order Chia seeds and flax seeds for personal use bi-annually? I am working at the Office of the Supreme Court of thd Philippines, Officd of the Clerk of Court, Second Division, Padre Faura St., Ermita, Manila, Barangay 669.

Stephanie Haynes

Two thoughts/questions: I recently bought your ground flaxseed and then afterwards read that flaxseed can begin to losesome of the important oils that contain much of the benefits within 15 to 20 seconds after being ground andexposed to air . What are your thoughts on that?

Secondly I also bought a bag of unground Chia seeds at my health food store. I’m thinking about using both and just combining them in large mason jar and storing in the fridge.

Any problem with combining my grip nd flaxseed and my Chia seeds ?

My main use is sprinkling a large tablespoon on my Greek yogurt or into my oatmeal in the morning .

Sarena ShasteenStephanie Haynes

Hi Stephanie, these are great questions. Yes, it is true that the oils will start to come out of the flax seed as soon as it's ground. Our packaging is designed to protect the ground seeds by keeping light away from the seeds. You can absolutely combine chia and flax to top your yogurt. That sounds perfect.


My only interest is in myself absorbing correct health information. This requires me to have authors dispensing information to be correct in their facts.
You seem to have the "formation of gel during digestion" backwards.
The formation of gel is due to being water soluble. Flax is 40% soluble, Chia is 5% soluble. The outcome regarding volume of gel created resulting in the reduced insulin spike is opposite than stated in your material. Please comment and or correct me if I'm wrong.
Respectfully submitted.

Sarena ShasteenMarcel

Hi Marcel, that is great information! Our article is for very basic information so we can't advise you on water solubility of the gels and how it relates to insulin spikes. Thank you for sharing this. We are sure it will help someone else who may have those question.

Ken Wightman

A very good indepth discussion of the two seeds. A nicely balanced report. A better report than many others I have read.


I mix a pkg. of ground flax and a pkg. of chia together.
For breakfast I mix two tablespoons of seeds into a good fruit yogurt, tastes good and my colon is so happy!
I read on this site that I'm only getting half the recommended amount per serving this way... will have to rethink what I can do about add more to my diet. I don't like yogurt that well to eat more, and I'm sure four tablespoons of seeds would be WAY too much for a cup of yogurt. Options?

Sarena ShasteenJo

If you are eating a well balanced diet, you will get proper nutrition from various sources. We recommend speaking with a nutritionist if you are concerned about not getting all of the nutrients that you need.

Carla D

Just started on chia. Chew them. They are pretty tasteless but going #2 seems more a smooth event. Feel better to be doing something for my health and if it helps take a couple pounds it will just be an added bonus. Plan to try flax as well.

Indra Buana

I eat both.
For the flax, I have two from Bob, the whole and the meal.
Flax is really 'difficult' to keep. The meal, you should take care of the container (dark, cold, not too much air exposure) and the whole, you should grind by yourself and clean the grinder afterward.

Chia is easier, but dont get sloppy, I drop the container once and they run like crazy.


For weight loss, what should be more good? Chia or flax.
And at what quantity it should be taken per day in terms of spoon if I am consuming it with water(Soaked overnight).
Please reply or you can mail me also.

Sarena ShasteenNeha

That's a great question. We recommend you speak to a nutritionist about this. We are not medical professionals and the answer depends on the individual's needs.


Which do you think is better for someone on a keto diet? I mostly need more fiber in my diet, so I'm thinking Chia Seeds?

Sarena ShasteenLaura

Per serving, the chia seeds do have more fiber. We do recommend that you reach out to your healthcare professional if you need this for medical reasons.

Phyllis Adee

Hi, I was inspired by the Bob and Charleen story. It made me feel like I can talk to you for advice. I would like to import Pink Salt from Bolivia and woud like to know if you can sell it using your brand. I can supply this product that I think would be a perfect addition to your line including your premix products. I would really like to hear back from you. I read that the employees are also now owners. Congratulations for having done so much for for people that want to stay healthy. I want to be a partner in helping others too!

Thank you,

Phyllis Adee


I've been using both and I am thankful for your insigh it was very informative. I knew most of the information but didn't know that the flaxseed had to be cracked in order for the body to absorb it.


You can soak flax seeds overnight or for a few hours then blend them in your smoothie to get the full oil and nutrient content. Chia and flax are great this way. No need to worry about rancid ground seed.