Influencer Spotlight on Mary Ellen

Influencer Spotlight on Mary Ellen

Our spotlight today is on Mary Ellen, a registered dietician nutrition and the brains behind the popular blog, Milk & Honey Nutrition. She became interested in nutrition at a young age, because she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at five years old. Shes had to pay attention to the food she puts in her body for as long as she can remember and learned very early on theres a direct correlation to what she eats and how she feels and acts. Mary Ellen is passionate and loves helping people make better choices for their health and nutrition. Her goals are to help you and your family have fun in the kitchen and provide you with the tools and services you need to create and develop healthy attitudes centered around food. Heres more from Mary Ellen, in her own words. Name: Mary Ellen IG: Blog:

How did you become an influencer/blogger?

I started Milk & Honey Nutrition as a private practice after my youngest daughter was born, with no intention of being a food blogger. But after getting a little traction on my Instagram account thanks to some reposts from larger accounts back in 2016, I saw the potential for turning what I'd intended to be a face-to-face business into an online platform. Don't get me wrong, it's taken a ton of work and strategy since then, but I never saw this career coming, that's for sure!

What started your journey into health?

Influencer Spotlight on Mary Ellen | Bob's Red Mill Blog I've been interested in nutrition since I was very young. Being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 5 years old was a game changer. I've had to think about every little thing I eat from the very beginning. While most kids ate whatever they wanted, when they wanted, I was the 7-year-old at the birthday party scraping the icing off my cake because I knew what it would do to my blood sugars (and because my mom made me, ha). Unlike most kids, I knew that food directly affected how I felt and acted. Combine that with a grandmother who could bake like no other (and passed that skill onto me), and I developed a love for turning otherwise indulgent, sugar-laden and not-so-good-for-you foods into healthier low-sugar meals, snacks and desserts.

Do you follow a modified diet?

Yes, I try as best I can to eat a diet low in added sugar, and my husband has celiac disease, so we eat gluten free. All of the recipes on my blog are also gluten free.

What is something most people don't know about you?

I am the ultimate introvert but have such an extrovert-type job! Sitting in the peace and quiet by myself is the best form of self-care for me . . . but hard when you have two small kids running around, too!

What is your favorite BRM product?

This is a tough one. I'm going to go with the Paleo Pancake and Waffle Mix and the gluten free rolled oats, because I use them all the time!

What is your favorite BRM recipe?

Influencer Spotlight on Mary Ellen | Bob's Red Mill Blog My Low Sugar Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites are one of my favorite recipes I've ever created and we make them at least 3-4 times each month in our house. It's also one of the most viewed recipes ever on my website.

One tip for finding time to cook and bake amidst a busy schedule?

I don't think there's any secret to this one . . . you will make time for something that's a priority for you, and I think you just have to set your mind to the idea that you're going to take X number of hours in a week for cooking and just make it happen. And if it's not a priority, that's okay too. We're blessed to live in a culture and area of the world that has ready access to quality, healthy prep-prepared foods.

Oats person or a smoothie person?

Oats . . . but I'm kind of both, haha.

Any exciting announcements or plans for your Instagram or blog this year?

Influencer Spotlight on Mary Ellen | Bob's Red Mill Blog I'm currently working on some exclusive content for my email list that will be focused on air fryer resources and recipes.

Who are some of your favorite influencers?

@onceuponapumpkin, @theleangreenbean, @firstandfull, @eats2know and @healthyhomehelp.

What do you like to do when you aren't working on recipe creation?

I enjoy writing. Doing more nutrition focused blog posts is fun for me. I have a unique perspective to bring to the low sugar/diabetes community from both professional and personal experiences that I think people can relate to a lot. I also really enjoy spending time with my kids and husband :-)

Favorite season or holiday?

Thanksgiving . . . because there's no presents involved and it's all about the food and remembering how blessed we truly are.

What is your top baking tip?

When you puree the right ratio of chickpeas and oats, the consistency is exactly like cookie dough . . . add some maple syrup and other flavorings and the possibilities are endless. :-)

Share three words to describe yourself.

Ambitious. Loyal. Devoted.

Quinoa or rice?


Favorite food brands?

Crazy Richard's Peanut Butter, Sprouts Farmers Market, Soozy's Muffins, Mikey's, Health Warrior, Made in Nature, Banza, Fish Fixe.
Bob's Red Mill
July 01 2019
