Hi Sarah, we don't have any information on whether or not it helps with aches or pains.
Hi Sarah, we don't have any information on whether or not it helps with aches or pains.
I have shingles and I'm careful about the balance of arginine and lysine in aminos in protein powder. I don't tolerate pea protein as it's a legume. Will I be able to tolerate hemp protein ?
Hi Janet! For questions such as this, we recommend seeking advice from your doctor or nutritionist.
I have used protein powder for a long time. Usually a whey protein product. I would like to switch from the dairy based products to plant but cannot see the nutritional info in the picture of the bag you are displaying. Can you show me all of that information somehow?
Hi Jon - You can view the full nutritional panel of our Hemp Protein Powder by clicking on the link below. On the page there's a link for "Nutritional Information & Ingredients" which will show you the full panel.
Bob's Red Mill: Hemp Protein Powder
Our Hemp Protein Powder is appropriate for all ages. If you have questions about your child's diet specifically we recommend speaking with your pediatrician.
I've read that protein exposed to high temperatures, including soy and hemp protein, could produce carcinogens. Does the process of producing Bob's Red Mill Hemp Protein Powder---expose the product to high temps, e.g. is it exposed to ultra heat or heat/acid treatment?
Hi Lee, our Hemp Protein Powder is considered raw as it's only brought up to 28-38°C during processing.
If your hemp protein powder is gluten free, why doesn't it say gluten free on the package?
Hi Jacqui, our Hemp Protein Powder is inherently gluten free but it is processed in a facility that also processes wheat. Despite thorough and stringent cleaning standards there is always a possibility for cross contact.
I am currently using hemp seed for my morning smoothies. What would switching to hemp protein powder change in my smoothie other than texture? More nutrients or about the same?
The nutritional profile is pretty similar on the two products, however the powder will definitely change the texture of your smoothie. It's not bad by any means, but there will be a little more grittiness to it. It works really well with berries since there is already a texture to the smoothie with the berry seeds.
Because of the hemp in this product, does it help with aches and pains any?