The basic ingredients for granola are cereal, oil, sweetener and your choice of extras. Using the same proportions as given in this recipe, you can vary one or more of these ingredients to create many different granolas. Granola is very simple to make and allows for a great deal of imagination, because there is no end to the variations that you can use!
In a large mixing bowl combine rolled oats, sesame and sunflower seeds and salt; mix well.
In another bowl mix together sweetener, oil and vanilla, then add to dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly to an even consistency and spread out in a shallow pan.
Place in a 325°F oven to bake for about 40 minutes or until fairly dry and golden. Be sure to stir regularly, at least once every 10 minutes to prevent burning on top and sides. When baking is complete, remove from oven and add raisins.
Granola will become crispier and crunchier as it cools. After cooling it is ready to eat as is or with hot or cold milk or yogurt. Store granola in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.