Gluten Free Sourdough Starter

Gluten Free Sourdough Starter

Love sourdough but avoiding gluten? Now you can create your own gluten free sourdough starter with Brown Rice Flour, Millet Flour or Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour! Learn how below.
Prep time
Cook time
Passive time


Day 1
  1. Mix 4 oz flour and 4 fl oz 85°F water in a large bowl or mason jar; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *Use a clean non-reactive metal or glass bowl or jar. Only use plastic if it is clean and free of other odors.
Day 2
  1. Mix well and scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *This should look bubbly and smell “ripe.” Discard if there is ever mold in the sour.
Day 3
  1. Discard 4 oz of sour (or give out to friends so they can grow their own). Add 4 oz flour and 4 fl oz 85°F water to remaining 4 oz of sour and mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *There will be quite a bit of waste when building a sour. Unfortunately, this is necessary so the sour does not get too large to easily maintain or use.
Day 4
  1. Add 4 oz flour and 4 fl oz 85°F water to sour and mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
Day 5
  1. Discard 2 oz of sour. Mix 4 fl oz 55°F water, 4 oz flour and sour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *Cooler water is used from now on to slow down fermentation and build flavor and acidity.
Day 6
  1. Discard 2 oz of sour. Mix 4 fl oz 55°F water, 4 oz flour and sour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
Day 7
  1. Discard 2 oz of sour. Mix 4 fl oz 55°F water, 4 oz flour and sour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
  2. It is now time to decide if you want to use your sour within 24 hours or if it will be time to begin maintenance and storage. If you are going to store your sour for use at a later date, decide if you want to store it at room temperature with daily feedings or in the refrigerator with monthly feedings.
Maintaining Your Sour
  1. *Feedings eliminate over fermentation (yeast consumes all available food leaving it unable to leaven). Millet flour sour does not grow as much all-purpose flour will. You do not have to discard starter if you plan to use it regularly.
At Room Temperature, Day 8 & On
  1. Discard remaining sour as often as needed–always keep at least 8 oz of sour to feed. Mix 2 oz 55°F water, sour and 2 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
In the Refrigerator, Day 8 & then Once a Week Every 3 Weeks
  1. Discard remaining sour as often as needed–always keep at least 8 oz of sour to feed. Mix 2 oz 55°F water, sour and 2 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover loosely with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Feed the same ratio every three weeks.
Using Your Sour
  1. *Plan ahead! If you are storing your sour at room temperature, make sure to feed it 18–24 hours before you plan to bake. If you are storing your sour in the refrigerator, begin feeding it three days before baking.
1 Day Before Baking
  1. Discard remaining sour as often as needed–always keep at least 8 oz of sour to feed. Mix 2–4 oz 55°F water, sour and 2–4 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *The range is based on how much your starter has grown. The millet starter won’t grow as much as the 1-to-1 starter grows. Base the measurements on which starter you are using and how much you will need for the recipe.
  2. Mix 2–4 oz 55°F water, sour and 2–4 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours. *The range is based on how much your starter has grown. The millet starter won’t grow as much as the 1-to-1 starter grows. Base the measurements on which starter you are using and how much you will need for the recipe.
In the Refrigerator
  1. *You must refresh your starter to bring it back to full strength to leaven your bread.
4 Days Before Baking
  1. Remove your sour from the fridge. Mix 2 oz 55°F water, sour and 2 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
3 Days Before Baking
  1. Mix 2 oz 55°F water, sour and 2 oz flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit at room temperature for 18–24 hours.
2 Days Before Baking
  1. Mix water, sour and flour until dissolved. Mix well; scrape down sides. Cover with cheesecloth, coffee filter or a clean towel and let sit a room temperature for 18–24 hours.
Baking Day
  1. Measure the amount of sour you need and follow your recipe as directed.

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