Alright, 'fess up--who doesn't love some tapioca puddin'? There's something so comforting and nostalgic about tapioca pudding, and it's even better when it's homemade! Use Bob's Red Mill Small Pearl Tapioca to prepare this deliciously sweet and satisfying pudding that will impress and delight even the most discerning palate. This recipe can be altered to suit dairy-free diets.
Soak tapioca in water for 30 minutes in a 1 1/2 quart saucepan. Do not drain remaining water, if any.
Add milk, salt, 1/4 cup sugar and lightly beaten egg yolks to tapioca and stir over medium heat until boiling. Simmer uncovered over very low heat for 10-15 minutes. Stir often.
Beat egg whites with remaining 1/4 cup sugar until soft peaks form. Fold about 3/4 cup of hot tapioca into the egg whites, then gently fold mixture back into saucepan. Stir over low heat for about 3 minutes. Cool 15 minutes then add vanilla.
Serve warm or chilled, plain or with fruits, nutmeg or coconut mixed in.