
Herschel S.

Submitted by: Megan Rosen

Portraits of Longevity - Herschel S.

My grandpa, Herschel, sustained a thoughtful, fun and balanced approach to life that inspired me beyond what I am able to put into words. My grandpa valued everyone and he had great pride in helping other people personally and professionally. He loved fiercely and was not afraid to show it. He had a lifelong stubborn streak but rarely held grudges. He was cheap as cheap can be, while helping family and friends without hesitation. He was always happy to see a familiar face or hear a familiar voice. He remembered vivid life details. He was mischievous and loved to stir the pot. He had a quiet resilience that was evident in the wake of heartache and loss. He chose to take the high road in many situations because he knew that freeing himself from emotional baggage was vital. This is to say he was neither a perfect person nor a saint. In my mind though the authenticity with which he navigated life made him that much more special. I miss him greatly and remember him proudly. My grandpa practiced emotional and physical wellness throughout his life. Emotionally he loved fiercely, kept a positive outlook and shed unnecessary emotional baggage. He kept in touch with family, friends and neighbors and because of this he typically had a strong community during his life. He looked outside of himself and was genuinely interested in other people's stories. Physically he stayed active by walking, swimming and lifting weights well into his eighties. He ate a balanced diet including lots of carrots and celery and he enjoyed sweet treats in moderation. Today, the date of this submission would have been his 88th birthday. Two life lessons come to mind: 1) love fiercely and without regret and 2) to move forward we must help others do the same. I watched my grandpa face tremendous personal loss, including his mother, sister and beloved wife. I watched him grieve, hold his love tightly to his chest and put one foot in front of the other until his blue eyes were bright again. I saw him laid off from his job just before retirement. I understood the loss of family but as a child I did not appreciate the gravity of a layoff. I did not know until well into adulthood that my grandpa sacrificed himself so a younger employee with a family would keep his job. I later heard many more stories of his selflessness. I already knew his great capacity to love. I am a better person having known my grandpa.