
Norma S.

Submitted by: Whitney Stohr

Portraits of Longevity - Norma S.

Norma is a true gem of a woman. She is an inspiration to all who know her, and in our community, EVERYONE knows Norma. What inspires me about Norma is her indefatigable energy and commitment to her community. She wakes up every morning and strives to improve the lives of everyone around her. She gives of herself in every way to her community. She has for decades. She is a true example of the type of lives every one of us should strive to live. She is an example to which we should measure ourselves. Just a few of Norma's recent accomplishments: Retired teacher, Elected member of the local School Board, Elected member of the local Parks & Recreation Service Area board, Member of the Selah Parks Foundation, and the community "Beautification Advocate Award" 2018. Norma is a pillar of the community and an example of how to live your best life. Norma has taught me the importance of becoming truly invested in my local community. Everyday she stands as an example of what it means to live a vibrant, fulfilling life exuding happiness and appreciation for all that she has and all she's been given.